Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tell Me Your Passion

What inspires you, what do you long for, what do you like, what do you crave for, what is your passion? There have been a couple of times that we have been asked these sort of questions, under different circumstances, from job interviews to “first date” conversations and what do we usually answer? Do we reply honestly, or do we make up something just to get by? Is it a love for watching movies, eating good food, cooking good food, singing, dancing, shopping for clothes, shoes, jewelry, photography, videography, music, sports, the arts, tinkering with the computer, helping the environment, doing charity work, climbing mountains, reading books, etc. or (please don’t tell me) nothing? Let me see, if you are not passionate about anything, then let me ask you this, what are you living for? What is your source of inspiration and why are you working 5-6 days a week if all you are doing it for is to earn money? Finding your passion need not be expensive, so money is not an excuse. It is most enjoyable when you start small with your passion, for that is when you actually discover your creativity and appreciate it better. Passion is a hobby. Passion is something that you enjoy doing. Passion should make you happy. Passion fulfills you even if you exhaust yourself and lose sleep. Passion is inspirational when you tell others about it. Passion is a gift that fuels you to work harder so that you shall have more time for it. Everyone should be passionate about something! Everyone deserves to be happy! So now, find your happiness and discover what you are passionate about. Start finding the joy that is LIFE! I hope you the best. It’s about time.

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